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Apex Taekwondo Booster Club


The name of this nonprofit organization shall be: Apex Taekwondo Booster Club.





MISSION STATEMENT: To foster and promote regional, national and international taekwondo competition athletes; to financially support the members and coaches of Apex Taekwondo’s Competition team. In accordance with IRS Publication 557 Chapter 3 regarding 501(c)(3) organizations as defined under Other Organizations: Amateur Athletic Organizations.


The purpose of this booster club shall be to foster national and international amateur sports competition among taekwondo athletes by providing financial support to the Apex Taekwondo Competition Team.


This organization shall be a self-sustaining non-profit organization.





Voting Membership in the Apex Taekwondo Booster Club shall be open to any parent or legal guardian of a minor competition team member or adult competitor.


Support Membership shall be open to any other adult who supports the purposes and objectives of the club. Support members will not participate in voting for funds distribution.


Members shall have equal opportunity to seek office in the organization. With the exception of members who hold concurrent employment with Apex Taekwondo Academy. The President shall be the presiding senior member at all regular meetings.


Members, as well as elected officers, shall conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times.


Members shall report any signs of fraud or other improprieties to the President.





General membership meetings shall be held quarterly. Notice of meetings will be posted on the bulletin board, online community and sent out via email.


Special meetings may be called by the Head Coach, President, or upon request of members. Written or electronic notice of the date, time, place and purpose of such special meetings shall be given no later than three (3) days prior to the schedule meeting.


The agenda for all meetings of general members shall include:

Summary of previous meeting minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Officer/Committee Reports

Old and Unfinished Business

New Business


The Secretary, or another duly appointed person, shall record minutes of all membership meetings. Such minutes shall be reviewed and approved by the presiding officer and shall be made available for public view via online community and email 10 business days later.



Elections and Voting


Section 1: Elections


Normal elections will be held annually.


The president shall call a special meeting to order when electing an officer by special election.


The president shall inform the voting members of elections at least five (5) duty days prior to Election Day.


When elections are held either annually or by special election, members can elect to vote by secret ballot.


Section 2: Voting


All financial decisions will be made by vote, a majority vote of present General Members shall be a deciding vote.


Decisions to be determined by vote of General Membership shall include:


The Approval of the Annual Budget

The Annual Election of Executive Council

The approval of Executive Committee Recommendations for interim Executive Council members.

Petitions requesting the removal of an elected member from office.

A Change to the Bylaws.

The approval of any non-budgeted item over $100.


Decisions regarding all other business of the Booster Club shall be conducted by the Executive Council.




Executive Council

Section 1: Executive Council


The Executive Council shall have the authority to authorize all expenditures up to one hundred dollars ($100) outside of the approved budget. Request for funds in excess of $100 must be approved by simple majority vote of General Membership present at a meeting.


The Executive Council shall recommend policies, supervise programs, approve entertainment, create and implement a budget detailing financial plans for annual operations, rules on membership, enforce the charter, and take action to resolve all grievances, complaints and suggestions submitted by members.


The Executive Council shall implement internal control procedures that ensure adequate segregation of duties, proper procedures for authorizations, adequate documentations and records, physical control over assets and records, and independent checks on performance.


The Executive Council shall review the Bylaws and update as needed every two years or when there is a change in the purpose, function or membership eligibility of the  Apex Taekwondo Booster Club, whichever comes first.


The outgoing Executive Council and the newly elected officers shall have a combined meeting within six (6) weeks of election so as to provide an orderly transfer of responsibility.


Section 2: Duties of the Officers


President: The President shall:

Preside over all meetings of Apex Taekwondo Booster Club. The President shall call special meetings of membership, supervise all elections, and appoint committees as necessary and shall prescribe the respective functions of the committees.

Call meetings of the Executive Council and/or General Membership. The President shall inform the Secretary at least three (3) duty days prior to the meeting.

Remain abreast of all local and federal non-profit laws.

Act as the liaison to Apex Taekwondo Academy.

Oversee all fundraisers, activities, and special events.


Secretary: The Secretary shall:

Record written minutes of all meetings and provide written or electronic copies of these minutes to Membership within 10 business days of a meeting.

Maintain archived records of all meetings, agendas, and all other permanent records of club affairs; other than those entrusted to the Treasurer, for a period of at minimum four (4) years.

Advertise each meeting at least three (3) days prior to the meeting both on the bulletin board, online community and via electronic notifications.

Ensure Bylaws are reviewed every two (2) years or as necessary.

Be responsible for general correspondence of the booster club.


Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:

Receive deposits, maintain a financial record, account for all funds and assets, and satisfy the organization’s liabilities.

Be responsible for disbursement of funds as necessary.

Provide sound financial and operational management, in part by rendering a full and complete financial statement and balance sheet at every quarterly and special meeting.

Be responsible for compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local tax laws, including filing the appropriate form(s) with the appropriate authority to qualify for and maintain tax exemption.


Parent Representative: The Parent Representative shall:

Serve as a liaison between the parents of competition team athletes and the Booster club.

Serve as a liaison between the parents, Apex Taekwondo Booster Club and Apex Taekwondo Academy.

Serve as the voice on the executive council ensuring all parent concerns are being brought to the attention of the board and Apex Taekwondo Academy.



Budget and Finance


An annual budget shall be prepared by the Executive Council and presented to the members no than March 1st of every Calendar year.


The Apex Taekwondo Booster Club fiscal year shall run from October to September.


The Treasurer will issue checks consistent with the approved budget. Unbudgeted expenses in excess of $100 shall be approved by a majority vote of General members.


Requests for funds or purchases shall be submitted in writing to the booster club. The Treasurer shall issue and retain forms for requisition. All requests will be annotated with voting measures.


All revenues of the booster club will be used strictly to further the purpose of the booster club and competitors of the Apex Taekwondo Competition Team in a manner consistent with an adopted budget or the expressed wishes of the voting membership.


At no time will members of the Executive Counsel or any other person affiliated with the Apex Taekwondo Booster Club be compensated for their participation in or organization of any activities for the organization.





A proposed change(s) may be submitted by any member of the Apex Taekwondo Booster Club.


Proposed changes shall be put to vote of the General Membership. A majority vote will carry the amendment.


A notice of vote for amendment must be announced by the Secretary at least one week prior to the actual vote.



Approved by Board  01/15/2016.


Thank you for submitting!

Tel: (719) 963-4815


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